Posts from: Business News

How to Start a Business as a Couple, Aww! <3

We all know that the benefits of starting a business with a loved one seem obvious: You’re working with someone that you trust, and whom you already you enjoy spending time with. There are plenty of high profile success stories- Cisco, Slideshare,... (more...)

IRS Scam Update: U.S charges 61 over India-based Impersonation Scam

In one of our earlier posts, we posted up a blog about how we can identify a fraudulent scam from a fake IRS representative. Just recently, The US Justice Department charged 61 people and entities on Thursday on October 27, 2016 with taking part in a... (more...)

From World Ranked Swimmer to Successful Entrepreneur

We would like to share this story with you because this man shares similar values as we do as our company, and we want to show you how integrity takes each of us a long way in the business world.  Joseph M. Grant, a world class swimmer in his youth... (more...)

Guess What?! You Can Lower Your Tax Bills with These 10 Tips!

  Since Tax Season is coming closer and closer, many of us are looking for ways to make their final moves in order to save money on their returns. Well don’t worry! Sonny CPA is here to save the day! Here’s something you should know… You can... (more...)

Take A Break From Your Work! Free Time Is Important!

There was an interesting article written by Bill Sheridan from who talked about how business people or anyone who works should take a break. Wanna know what he did recently? He did absolutely “nothing.” During the time when he did “nothing”... (more...)

Only 10 Companies Control Almost Everything We Eat!

  Did you know that most of the products in the groceries we buy are actually sold by just 10 companies? Most people would think that the products we buy from grocery stores are from various different companies. In reality, these 10 companies, which... (more...)

Hurricane Matthew Victims Suffered Enough. IRS Gives Some Help with Tax Relief

Hurricane Matthew has devastated families and businesses in North Carolina as well as South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. For those affected, life becomes more difficult as their homes, businesses, and possessions were damaged or lost. Unfortunately,... (more...)

Don’t Fall for These Scams! IRS – List of Tax Scams for The 2016 Filing Season

Many people all over the world have fallen into the trap of a scam or a fraud from a criminal. Every day, our society becomes more intelligent while technology in our world advances. But, we aren’t the only ones who are getting smarter; criminals are... (more...)

Solar Panels Do More than Just Save Money?!

  What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks why you would buy solar panels? Most likely, save money. We asked some of our co-workers what the first thing that came to mind when they heard that phrase, and they said the same thing.   Whether... (more...)

Wait! Before You Gift Someone Something, Know That Gift Taxes Exist!

Did you know that gift taxes exist? Let’s imagine that you own a brand new Nissan GTR, and you plan to pass that vehicle down to your family like your son. After going to the DMV to file a transfer and sending the vehicle registration, the IRS will... (more...)

How Wells Fargo Affected Investors Like Warren Buffett

  Wells Fargo has recently reached a $185 million settlement agreement with the bank. As we have said before in the last blog post about Wells Fargo, they have scammed thousands of their customers by opening unauthorized bank accounts and credit... (more...)

Small Business Benefits – Cloud-Based Accounting Tools

  What will you do when you have too many projects and business events to attend for your business while you have a ton of bookkeeping and accounting issues that you have to work on? In today’s world, there are many advantages that a small business... (more...)