Posts from: Entrepreneurship

The Lesson from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

  “Many people work very hard, but they never seem to earn enough. In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki explains how to escape this “rat race” and achieve financial independence.” When you are trying to aim for financial independence,... (more...)

9 Things Every Business Owner Should Know

Always Remember. Cash is king : Cash crunches happen from time to time, but if they are chronic at your company, then you may have to re-think the way you do business. Though cash-flow squeezes often seem satisfying, there are only a few explanations.... (more...)

8 Things Entrepreneurs Do Differently

Entrepreneurship goes beyond Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. It is mostly an approach to life that favors creativity over conformity and action over inaction. Author and investor, James Altucher says that “Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean starting... (more...)

2016 Post-Election Tax Update

Any change in Presidential Administration brings the possibility, indeed the likelihood, of tax law changes and the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States is no exception. During the campaign, President-elect Trump outlined... (more...)

10 Steps to Survive a Business Disaster

In business, it sometimes pays to take a risk. But in the face of natural disasters, like floods and fires, or criminal activity like cyber hacking, your Recovery Procedure Plan needs to be as safe as houses. After all, everything is on the line. The... (more...)

Small Business Success Story – Chad Mureta (App Empire)

Chad Mureta ran a real estate business when the impossible happened: A devastating car accident has caused to be delivered to the hospital, nearly taking out his arm. His business could not continue without him being physically present, but Mureta’s... (more...)

How to Know What Passions to Pursue in Business

We all have that question where we ask ourselves: “I have a passion for a lot of things. How do I know which one I should really choose? Well, we all have heard many times in our lives, if you want to make a living, do something that you love to do.... (more...)

7 Businesses That You Can Start With Less Than $100

There are always many obstacles to starting your own business, but money is not always one of them. Many people have dreamed of owning a business, however, the biggest problem that many people face is that the amount of capital it takes to start it up... (more...)

You Can Save $20,000 on IRA Rollover Even You Miss The Deadline!

A new IRS rule could save you $20,000 or more if you miss the 60-day deadline for an IRA rollover. A 60-day rollover allows an individual to move money from one retirement account to another. Missing this 60-day deadline could lead to a massive tax bill.... (more...)

Tips on How Small Businesses Can Become a Firm of the Future

How can a business become a firm of the future?   Well let’s take a step back, what does it mean to become a firm of the future?   Let’s look at this example, a firm of the future has been “in business for decades, achieving success... (more...)