Posts from: Business Lifestyle

Professional New Year’s Resolution Ideas

It’s that time of the year again. We are sure 2016 wasn’t that great, or maybe it wasn’t too bad for you, but the most important thing to remember now is to learn from everything you have experienced in 2016 and cherish those moments when you were... (more...)

Spend More Time With Your Family & Friends while saving money for the Holidays

It’s that time of the year again where many of us celebrate the holidays with cheer, parties, gifts, and many other goods to enjoy before they hit reality again. But guess what, you know what else comes after those parties, gifts, and goods? That’s... (more...)

Happy Holidays! Year-End Tax Saving Tips to Spend or Save for the Holidays

It looks like the end of the year is coming, and we are pretty sure many of you are still frantically shopping for gifts for your family and friends. Do you ever wish you had more money to spend for your friends and family, but just could not figure... (more...)

A Smart Business Decision Maker = A Successful Entrepreneur

Many successful business leaders all share a common skill that most people do not posses. Although this skill comes in all forms and is dependent on the amount of opportunities given to them, they all still have to undergo a process whether it takes... (more...)

How to Deal with Stress of Running a Business

Are you a business owner who has been through a lot of stress these past couple months? Especially, when tax season is coming and you have no one to prepare your tax forms for you? Well, let us take a moment to tell you that, if you are reading this... (more...)

This Skill is What Determines the Success of Your Business

Just recently, there was an article written by Matt Fore who talked about an important skill that would subsequently determine the success of your business. In his article, he provided an example from his experience about one of his business friends... (more...)

How Hard is it to Invest in Real Estate?

There was an interesting article written by Scott Trench who recently wrote an article about how easy it is to invest in Real Estate. In the beginning he talks about how some of the most successful entrepreneurs started off with nothing. That’s a very... (more...)