Posts from: Business Lifestyle, Business News, Entrepreneurship

Blue Ocean Strategy-What is the Next Big Idea?

For many business owners, their focus is how to compete in their competitive industries. For the restaurant industry there are endless amounts of competitors that provide similar products. For other industries, they might be trying to sell the exact... (more...)

3 Ways Technology Can Help Improve Your Business

Change can be scary. Technology advances at a much quicker rate than before and it is hard to keep up. Year after year there are new software programs, gadgets and devices that come out that are made to make life easier.   But how does this affect... (more...)

How to Fix Taxes That Were Filed Wrong

If you have received a notice from the IRS, there’s a chance that your taxes may have been filed wrong. This is very common and can be easily fixed. A CPA can help to translate what the IRS is trying to communicate. Once they have figured that... (more...)