Posts from: Business Lifestyle, Business News, Entrepreneurship

Choosing the Best Entity for Your Business

Sole proprietorships are the most popular business entity in the U.S., with about 27 million businesses listed as sole proprietorships. Deciding on the proper structure for a new business in your state– sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability... (more...)

Save Your Business Miles! It Can Save You Thousands!

If you have to travel for business, you may know that you are allowed to deduct your business miles traveled. Some companies have a system setup for their employees to enter their trips and it will calculate it for them. However, if you own your own... (more...)

Blue Ocean Strategy-What is the Next Big Idea?

For many business owners, their focus is how to compete in their competitive industries. For the restaurant industry there are endless amounts of competitors that provide similar products. For other industries, they might be trying to sell the exact... (more...)

3 Ways Technology Can Help Improve Your Business

Change can be scary. Technology advances at a much quicker rate than before and it is hard to keep up. Year after year there are new software programs, gadgets and devices that come out that are made to make life easier.   But how does this affect... (more...)

How to Fix Taxes That Were Filed Wrong

If you have received a notice from the IRS, there’s a chance that your taxes may have been filed wrong. This is very common and can be easily fixed. A CPA can help to translate what the IRS is trying to communicate. Once they have figured that... (more...)


WARNING! Tax time also means FAKE IRS calls. Don’t be fooled by these crooks! The safest way to check if it is the REAL IRS is hang up and go to and call the number on that website. The IRS goes through a very formal process of gathering... (more...)

State Personal Property Taxes

State Personal Property Taxes Do you own a car? A boat? State personal property taxes on cars, boats and other personal property are deductible on Schedule A. The IRS warns that the taxes must be based on value alone and imposed on a yearly basis.... (more...)

Business Taxes March 15th Deadline

Businesses, remember that March 15th is the deadline for 1120, 1120-s, and 1065 tax forms to be filed with the IRS. This means if you haven’t already started finding someone to help, do that ASAP! A CPA can either help you make sure you have all... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Energy Efficient Credit

Energy Efficient Credit This is your last chance to claim this credit for applying energy efficient equipment to your residential property for 2016. Some examples are solar hot water heaters, solar electric equipment, wind turbines or fuel cells. What... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Education Tax Incentives

Education Tax Incentives College can be stressful. But it can lead to some major tax benefits when it comes to tax season. There are misconceptions of what is deductible when it comes to school expenses. There are three categories to look at for you... (more...)

Business Tax Help 2017: Preparing for Expiration of Certain Deductions

Preparing for Expiration of Certain Deductions Certain tax deductions are allowed for a certain amount of time to help induce an action. Whether it is spending more in one industry or stimulating the economy. Unfortunately, these temporary deductions,... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Student Loan Debt

Student Loan Debt School loans can total up to be a large sum of money. In addition to that there is interest that must be paid as well. Luckily, you are able to write of the amount of interest you paid that year on your taxes up to $2,500. This deduction... (more...)

Business Tax Help 2017: Vehicles for Business Use

Business Use of Vehicles When it comes to using a vehicle for business, there are two things you should keep track of: mileage and depreciation. For 2016 the standard mileage rate is 54 cents per mile. This means you should keep track of your business... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Child and Dependent Care Credit

Child and Dependent Care Credit Looking for someone to watch your children can be difficult while you are working or looking for work. That is why the IRS has a tax credit that may help cut your tax bill quicker than a simple deduction. This credit applies... (more...)

Business Tax Help 2017: Business Property and Depreciation

Business Tax Help 2017 The goal for doing taxes for your business is simple; maximize your tax benefits to minimize the amount of taxes you have to pay. But with tax laws always changing, how can you ensure that your tax plan is still the best option? That... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Moving Expenses

Moving Expenses Moving into a new home to take a new job that requires you to change cities or states can be a lot to handle. There are many things that you have to take and it can be hard to keep track of it all. Something you should not forget is that... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Job Hunting Expenses

Job Hunting Expenses Finding a job can be tough, but what you might forget is that hunting for a job has expenses. If you are looking for a job in your field and have expenses while on the hunt, then those expenses can be deducted in Schedule A under... (more...)

Employers Beware! IRS warns of W-2 Scam

Business owners beware! Every year there are people that claim to be part of the IRS to scare you into giving them information. This year, there is a payroll scam where they are sending out e-mails where they are asking for W-2 information.  Remember,... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Job Expenses

Job Expenses Everyone wants to deduct job related business expenses, but what qualifies? There are some common beliefs of what can be and can’t be deducted. For example, you cannot write off your daily lunches or commute to work. You can however write... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Charitable Donations

Charitable Donations One easy way to reduce your tax liability and give back to your community is by making donations of money, goods and time. Keeping track of the cash and goods you have given to charity is easy to remember, but those are not the only... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Deductible Medical Expenses

Medical Expenses The doctor’s office may be a scary place, but when you can get a tax deduction for the visit, maybe it’s not so bad. For 2016, the IRS will allow you to itemize the miles you drove for medical reason at 19 cents per mile. That is... (more...)

Tax Tips 2017: Itemized Deductions vs Standard Deduction

Tax season is upon us. There are many generally known tax deductions and strategies, but there may be something that you are missing. We here at Sonny & Company CPA will be putting out some tax tips to help you either reduce your tax liability or... (more...)

Attention Employers: New W-2 and 1099 Filing Deadline

Employers, beware! If you have a business that has employees or independent contractors, be aware of the new deadline enforced by the IRS. Usually employers had until the end of February to submit their W-2 copies to the IRS, but in an effort to detect... (more...)

Gambling: How to Report Winnings for Taxes

While hitting the jackpot in a slot machine or getting a flush in poker, taxpayers must remember that even winnings from gambling are taxed. Gamblers will receive a W-2G to know the total of their winnings for the year. Although this process for taxes... (more...)

How to Find a “Soulmate” er… Good Business Partner

If you have read our older blogs, we made a post about how working with your spouse as a business partner can be very effective if you treaded carefully. Now, in case you do not have a spouse, we will talk about how to find a business partner with the... (more...)

How to Avoid Tax Fraud, Advice from Scammers Themselves

As a company who follows the three basic principles of Honesty, Integrity, and Innovation, we do not condone Tax Fraud, and we certainly will never perform such acts for anyone who requests such atrocity. So what is Tax Fraud? According to tax whistleblower,... (more...)

Overview of Trump’s Upcoming Tax Plan (In Case You Don’t Already Know)

As January 20th comes closer to President Elect Trump taking over office, America must prepare for the new changes that he will make in the country. The changes we would like to discuss is the US Federal income tax system that he will implement. In this... (more...)

Mark Cuban’s Success Story

Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, is currently worth an estimated $3 billion. Although most of his money mainly came from 2 transactions during the dot com era, he was a natural born leader who had the expertise of an experienced entrepreneur... (more...)

Professional New Year’s Resolution Ideas

It’s that time of the year again. We are sure 2016 wasn’t that great, or maybe it wasn’t too bad for you, but the most important thing to remember now is to learn from everything you have experienced in 2016 and cherish those moments when you were... (more...)

Spend More Time With Your Family & Friends while saving money for the Holidays

It’s that time of the year again where many of us celebrate the holidays with cheer, parties, gifts, and many other goods to enjoy before they hit reality again. But guess what, you know what else comes after those parties, gifts, and goods? That’s... (more...)