Hurricane Matthew Victims Suffered Enough. IRS Gives Some Help with Tax Relief

October 18, 2016 by  
Filed under Business News


Hurricane Matthew has devastated families and businesses in North Carolina as well as South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. For those affected, life becomes more difficult as their homes, businesses, and possessions were damaged or lost. Unfortunately, life still goes as many tax deadlines arrive which adds more to worry about for extension tax filers.

Therefore, in light of these events, the IRS has decided to give tax relief to those affected by the hurricane. Instead of worrying about trying to file taxes in 2016, extension tax filers will now have until March 17th 2017 to file their taxes. These tax payers that suffered an uninsured or unreimbursed disaster losses will be allowed to claim for the year of 2016 or for their 2015 extension.

The IRS will also waive late-deposit fees for payroll and excise taxes that are usually due at the beginning of October if they are paid by October 19th.

This relief applies to those that live within the recorded disaster area. No action is necessary from the affected tax payer if they live in the disaster area, but if they are affected and out of the area, they must contact the IRS to receive the relief.

For help with information and eligibility call the IRS at 866-562-5227 or visit